孫子兵法 The Art of War – Chapter 4.1: 不可勝在己,可勝在敵


The ones who thrives in battle, first knows how not to be won, and wait to win. It is up to oneself to not lose, and up to the opponent for our victory. Winning can be known but not be forced.

Understanding –

This relates to the core principle of in order to win, first we must not lose. And we must take necessary steps, actions and plans in order for us not to lose.

When we have the ability to not lose, then, we will be able to seize the opportunities to win.

The ability to not lose lies on us, the opportunity to win lies in the market.

We cannot force a winning situation when the market is not right. What we can do is to place ourselves in an unlosable state and seize the winning opportunity when the market presents it.
